SigmaYou, the Sum of You

Identify what you Want

Believe in Yourself

Achieve your Goals

SigmaYou is an all-in-one web application, helping you to:
    Identify what you want to accomplish
    Make a game-plan by creating goals and associated tasks
    Get inspired by viewing your vision board
    Feel good about life by visiting your gratitude board
    Believe in yourself as you track your progress in your own personal dashboard
    Build confidence by turning goals into achievements
    Showcase yourself and your achievements in your own professional digital portfolio website
    Discover and embrace your creative aptitude by creating and sharing blogs via the blogs module
    Developers: Sign-In to leverage the SigmaYou API

Explore the Current Modules

 Goal Modules

You can Create and Maintain Goals, Achievements, Vision Board, and Gratitude Board in this module set.
Click here to find out more about the Goal Modules.

 Portfolio Module

You can Create, Maintain, and View your Digital Portfolio in this module.
Click here to find out more about the Portfolio Module.

 Blogs Module

You can Create, Maintain, and View your Blogs in this module.
Click here to find out more about the Blogs Module.