Mission Statement

"Provide a rich and rewarding environment with tools and interfaces that augment the identification and organization of goals, allowing a user or team to rise above obstacles and ultimately achieve their goals."

Throughout our lives we've heard "write down your goals", "visualize what you want". These two concepts sound simple, but how often do we just confine these thoughts in our heads, without taking the small leap-of-faith and jotting-down an idea or taking the time to visualize something we want to do, have, or be. Oftentimes we are "too busy" or "we will remember to do that later"; then later becomes 10 years.

Life is fleeting and we must be driven, focused, and organized to achieve what we want. Even if what we want seems impossible, we've discovered along our own journies that visualization does work; committing to goals does work; depending on others for what you want in life does not!

One of the main intentions of this web application is to provide a medium that supports the identification of goals, tasks, and visions by allowing you to easily create, access, and maintain these concepts in one location.

A great song by the band Nickelback, If Today Was Your Last Day, begins with:
"My best friend gave me the best advice, he said each day's a gift and not a given right.
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind, and try to take the path less traveled by.
That first step you take is the longest stride . . . "

So don't wait 10 years to take that first step, jump in and get started today.

Best wishes on your journey,

The SigmaYou Team